Dr. Michael Blank
Delegate Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK Ghana)
+233242438760 michael.blank@ghana.ahk.de
When making the selection, we bring our Ghanaian-German expertise to the selection process, in which we check for you whether the applicant is ready and able to get involved in living and working in Germany, but also whether he has some basic knowledge of his future field of work. A one-day assessment serves on the one hand to find out more about the personality of the candidates, and on the other hand to give the candidates initial insights into living and working in Germany so that they get an idea of what they are getting into. At the end of the selection process, you decide, of course, on the basis of the CVs and the assessment report, who is suitable for your company and who starts the preparation.
Importance: At this point, it has not yet been decided whether the selected person will actually travel to Germany, because we want you - as the future employer - and the applicant to get to know each other better. The approximately 5-month preparation includes a week of practical intercultural training to give the candidates a deeper insight into the reality of life and work in Germany. They also complete an intensive language course at the Goethe Institute in Accra to bring themselves to a solid B2 level of German. We believe that language is a decisive factor in ensuring that the foreign trainees settle in well in your company and can work with you, but also that the young people find their way around in their private lives as quickly as possible.
After completing the intercultural training and half of the language course, possibly even after one or two online meetings with you and your company (i.e. after three months at the latest), the moment of decision comes: the candidate reports on his progress in the preparation, both sides now decide whether and how to continue - hopefully with the signature of the trainee contract! Once this is signed, the second part of the German course must be completed and it is time to prepare for departure.
Now the concrete preparation for departure to Germany can begin. We not only support you in applying for a visa, but also in practical questions about packing your suitcase. In cooperation with the Senior Expert Service in Bonn, we guarantee that your trainee will be looked after for the first three to six months upon arrival at the airport - through weekly discussions / meetings between a senior expert and the trainee.
Last but not least: in order to increase the seriousness and commitment of the young Ghanaians in the preparation process, they will have to finance part of the language course themselves. Because here too, what costs nothing is nothing.
You are looking for young, motivated trainees?
We offer:
Delegate Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana (AHK Ghana)
+233242438760 michael.blank@ghana.ahk.deProject Manager BWS Scholarship Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) Competence Centre Skills Development
+233242438760 bismark.ashiagbenu@ghana.ahk.de